2023 CIFTIS: Climate report released to propel a greener world
By Liu Qiyu

BEIJING, Sept. 2 (China Economic Net) - As the number of extreme weather and climate events continues to rise around the world, the importance of international cooperation is even greater, noted Prof. Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General of World Meteorological Organization (WMO), while addressing the Second International Summit on Meteorology and Economy.
The summit, one of the ten Summit Forums of the ongoing 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), kicked off in Beijing on September 2.
On the occasion, a report titled “Climate Status under Belt and Road Initiative” was unveiled by National Climate Center, providing guidance to enhance mutual understanding among "Belt and Road" countries and help Chinese enterprises go global.
"Climate change knows no national borders. As extreme weather events becoming the new norm, how to deal with it and promote world economic recovery has become a common task facing the international community," pinpointed Qu Ya, secretary-general of China Meteorological Service Association. She added that the release of the report is of great significance to propel the green development of the "Belt and Road" countries and help the world inch towards a green and low-carbon future.
The report is aimed at providing the necessary basic information for all countries and regions in the region to solve many problems such as economic development, improving people's livelihood and eliminating poverty while improving their ability to cope with climate change, as per the organizer.
During the event, experts shared their insights on climate change and new energy. They reached a consensus that against the backdrop of record breaking global temperatures and frequent extreme weather and climate events, disaster prevention and reduction, climate change response and meteorological economic development have become the focus of the international community. China is continuing to adjust its industrial structure and energy structure, vigorously develop renewable energy, actively promote the green and low-carbon transformation of its economy through market-based approaches, and earnestly enhance its capacity for climate governance, so as to make greater contribution to addressing global climate change.
The summit was sponsored by WMO, co-organized by Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization and China Green Carbon Foundation, and hosted by the China Meteorological Service Association.
(Editor:Fu Bo)