Same compensation for China bridge collapse victims
Last Updated:2013-02-04 20:22 | Xinhua
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Officials announced Monday that relatives of the victims of an expressway bridge collapse that occurred last Friday in central China's Henan Province will be compensated using a single standard following public complaints about the use of multiple standards.

The relatives will receive the same compensation as regular urban residents in accordance with a judicial interpretation on personal injury compensation issued by the Supreme People's Court, a rescue headquarters spokesman said.

Netizens have alleged that different standards have been used to calculate compensation for the victims.

A truck explosion caused the bridge to collapse Friday morning in Mianchi County in the city of Sanmenxia, killing 10 people and injuring 11 others.

The truck contained about 600 large packages of fireworks.

The specific amount of compensation is still being calculated, the spokesman said.

According to the interpretation, victims should be compensated according to their estimated incomes for the 20 years following their deaths. The figures are different in different areas and at different ages.

The 11 injured are in stable condition.

A probe into the accident is ongoing, government sources said.

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