Premier Wen delivers government work report--China Economic Net
Premier Wen delivers government work report
Last Updated:2013-03-05 09:50 | Xinhua
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China to further promote culture development: Premier Wen

China will further promote the reform and development in its cultural system to provide a large quantity of high-quality cultural products to meet people's demand, Premier Wen Jiabao said at the parliament's annual session Monday morning.

The government will vigorously promote nonprofit cultural services and strengthen cultural infrastructure in communities, particularly in rural areas and the central and western regions, Wen said in a government work report delivered at the opening meeting of the Fifth Session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC), the top legislature. >> More


China aims to extend old-age pension scheme to cover all residents

China is trying to make a frog jump in building its social security system by further extending the old-age pension program to cover all residents, Premier Wen Jiabao said in a government work report delivered at the parliament's annual session Monday.

"By the end of the year, we will have achieved full coverage of the new old-age pension system for rural residents and the old-age pension system for non-working urban residents," Wen said at the Fifth Session of the 11th National People's Congress opened here Monday. >> More


China aims to increase 12 million low-income housing in 2012

China hopes to complete 5 million units of low-income housing this year and start construction of another 7 million units as part of an effort in improving people's living conditions, according to a government work report delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao at the parliament's annual session Monday.

"We will work speedily to improve the system for constructing, allocating, managing, and recalling low-income housing units," Wen said in the report. >> More


China to strengthen innovative social administration: Wen

China will strengthen and make innovation in social administration to resolve various social conflicts that come along with the nation's fast economic development, Premiere Wen Jiabao said in his government work report on Monday. "We will work hard to resolve social conflicts, make innovations in social administration, and enforce the law impartially and with integrity," Wen said at the annual session of the 11th National People's Congress. >> More

China's property market regulation to continue: premier

China will continue to regulate the real estate market to bring down property prices to a reasonable level, said Premier Wen Jiabao at the opening of the annual parliamentary session Monday.

"We will strictly implement and gradually improve policies and measures for discouraging speculative or investment-driven housing demand, build on progress made in regulating the real estate market," said Wen when delivering his government work report at the Fifth Session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC). >> More


China pledges to develop non-public sector


China vows to develop the non-public sector of its economy by breaking up monopolies and relaxing restrictions on market access, Premier Wen Jiabao said Monday at the opening of the parliament's annual session.


The government will encourage nongovernmental investment in areas such as railways, public utilities, finance, energy, telecommunications, education, and medical care, Wen said. >> More


China to further reform medical, health care services

China will further reform its medical and health care services in 2012 to better people's well-being, Premier Wen Jiabao said in his government work report delivered at the annual parliamentary session Monday.

"We will move faster to improve the medical insurance system covering the whole population, consolidate and expand the coverage of basic medical insurance, and enhance our capability to provide and manage basic medical services," Wen told the Fifth Session of the 11th National People's Congress opened Monday. >> More


Central authorities to fully support HK, Macao


The central authorities of China will fully support Hong Kong and Macao in their efforts to boost economic growth, improve the people's well-being and promote democracy, Premier Wen Jiabao said here Monday.


The central government will implement coordinated policies and measures for supporting the economic and social development of Hong Kong and Macao, and open the mainland much wider to trade in services with the two regions, said Wen at the opening meeting of the Fifth Session of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature. >> More

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