China more active in int'l affairs--China Economic Net
Foreign Affairs
China more active in int'l affairs
Last Updated:2013-03-09 23:44 | Xinhua
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China is committed to growing its relations with African countries. Strategic partnership between China and Africa has developed fast over the years, and the two sides are actively implementing the follow-up actions to the fifth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.

The cooperation between China and African countries, nevertheless, has aroused suspicions and accusations.

"We hope all parties can view the cooperation between China and African countries in an objective manner, and respect the African friends in choosing cooperative partners by themselves," Yang said.

"If you want to walk fast, walk alone; if you want to walk afar, walk together," Yang cited an African proverb to elaborate on the importance of the cooperation with African countries.

The cooperation between China and African countries is in line with African people's aspiration for stability and development in their own countries, unity among African countries, and fairness and justice of the international order, Yang said.

China and Africa will further promote cooperation in such fields as investment and financing, assistance, African integration, civilian exchanges, peace and security in Africa.

Yang said many countries are now advancing their cooperation with Africa, and China welcomes such cooperation.

Yang said China is willing to develop cooperation with regional organizations such as the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, and promote establishment of the forum on China-Latin America cooperation.


An increasing number of Chinese nationals and companies traveled abroad in recent years.

In 2012, Chinese mainland residents made 83.18 million overseas trips and there are about 20,000 China-funded enterprises overseas.

The Foreign Ministry and foreign missions have, on a timely basis, handled several hundred thousand consular protection and assistance cases involving overseas Chinese nationals and agencies.

The ministry and consulates abroad handle 100 cases of consular protection every day.

"All our efforts on this front are designed to ensure our citizens to make happy trips overseas and take safe trips back home," Yang said.

"We will continue to deliver high-quality consular services to overseas Chinese nationals and companies and try our best to serve and benefit them," he said.


A U.S. cyber security firm Mandiant released last month a report which alleged that a secret Chinese military unit in Shanghai conducted cyber attacks against U.S. companies.

The report was followed by a wave of Western media criticism of hacking from China.

"Those reports may have caught eyes of many, but they are actually built on shaky ground," Yang said.

"What is black is black, and what is white stays white. Anyone who tries to fabricate or pieces together a sensational story to serve political motives will not be able to black names of others or whitewash themselves," he said.

"Cyber space needs rules and cooperation, not a war," Yang said, citing that China is vulnerable to cyber attacks and suffers such attacks most.

"We oppose to turn cyber space into another battlefield, or capitalize on virtual reality to interfere in other countries' internal affairs," Yang said.

"We hope irresponsible rebuke or criticism (against China) would end," he said, adding that the Chinese government opposes hacking activities.

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