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8 killed in car crash near Dead Sea: Israeli medics
Last Updated: 2018-10-31 07:30 | Xinhua
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Eight family members were killed on Tuesday as two cars collided near Dead Sea, Israeli authorities said.

The victims were identified as a family from the Jewish settlement of Psagot, south of Ramallah, an official with the local council said in a statement sent to Xinhua.

Israeli police said in a statement that the eight were trapped inside their vehicle after a frontal collision with another car.

The family, including at least three children, perished, Israel's ZKA medical emergency service said in a statement.

The other car also carried a family. Three members of that family, including a 12-year-old girl as well as an adult man and a woman, sustained light to moderate injuries.

"It was a shocking and difficult accident," said Zaki Heller, spokesperson with Israeli Emergency Services Magen David Adom.

"When our medics and paramedics arrived, the vehicle in which the eight family members were traveling was burning, and it was impossible to rescue them. Sadly, no one survived in the vehicle," he added.

Israeli media widely reported that it was the deadliest car accident in Israel over the past 20 years.


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8 killed in car crash near Dead Sea: Israeli medics
Source:Xinhua | 2018-10-31 07:30
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