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Civil service open to those with disabilities
Last Updated: 2022-04-02 07:43 | China Daily
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In a sign of progress toward better inclusivity and diversity in the civil sector, 23 people with disabilities recently took part in the civil service examination in the city of Meishan in Sichuan province.

A special exam room was set up in a local high school organized to facilitate the needs of the examinees.

One of those taking the test was Xiao Yun, a university student from Tianjin.

The 23-year-old chose to sit the exam after reading an online recruitment notice for a job involved in education and employment for people with disabilities in Qingshen county.

After preparing for the examination for half a month, the big day arrived and Xiao, who has a congenital defect in his right hand, was surprised with the steps taken to ensure those with disabilities could sit the test in comfort.

Leading to the examination room were barrier-free pathways including ramps for wheelchair access, and next to the examination room were barrier-free toilets.

In addition to the two invigilators in the exam room, there were extra wheelchairs should they be needed. Two female staff members from the Meishan Disabled Persons' Association greeted each examinee as they entered and were on hand if any assistance was required.

Also taking the exam was Xiao Liu, a visually impaired man from Hunan province. To accommodate his disability, Xiao Liu was provided with a front-row seat in the exam room.

Another examinee whose waist had been injured and is unable to sit for long spells was permitted to stand up during the examination. In order not to adversely affect the other examinees, he was able to take the exam at the back of the room.

Saturday's examination marked the first time that Sichuan had tried to recruit public servants with disabilities through the civil service examination, regardless of the examinee's gender, university major and work experience.

With a university diploma, any person with a disability was eligible for the examination, said Xiao Honglin, an official in the department of organization with the Meishan city committee of the Communist Party of China.

Xiao Honglin said more job vacancies would be provided exclusively for people with disabilities in the civil sector.

The moves are aimed at promoting care for the people with disabilities within the community, he said.


(Editor:Fu Bo)

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Civil service open to those with disabilities
Source:China Daily | 2022-04-02 07:43
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