Vigil held in Houston to remember victims of Boston Marathon blasts
Last Updated:2013-04-16 13:10 | Xinhua
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People in Houston gathered on Monday night for a vigil to remember the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings.

Houston City Council member Helena Brown, organizer of the vigil in front of Houston City Hall, called the bombings in Boston "a tragic attack on innocent victims."

"We as a community need to come together in prayer," she was quoted as saying by the Houston Chronicle.

Christine Jaques, a marathon runner, offered words of encouragement for her fellow marathoners in Boston.

"Never give up. Don't stop running," Jaques said.

Statesmen in Texas on Monday expressed support to those victims and their families.

"The scene at the Boston Marathon today is a sobering vision for us all, especially those who have friends or loved ones competing in today's race," Texas Governor Rick Perry said in a statement.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with all those injured in the explosions, along with the first responders who braved danger to help get the wounded to safety," he said.

"Please pray for those wounded, and the families of those killed, in today's terrorist attack," said Steve Stockman, a Republican lawmaker from Friendswood, Texas.

Three people were killed and more than 140 were injured in two explosions taking place near the Boston Marathon finish line on Monday afternoon.

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