A Chinese semi-invasive brain-machine interface (BMI) research team has successfully completed multiple cases of full cortical BMI implantation, enabling an aphasic patient to output Chinese language and paralyzed patients to control computers and robotic arms.
Astronomers unveil 1st 3D map of Milky Way interstellar dust properties2025-03-14
Chinese and foreign astronomers have unveiled the first three-dimensional (3D) map of the properties of interstellar dust in the Milky Way. This breakthrough will provide critical support for precise astronomical observation, and for studies in the areas of astrochemistry and galactic evolution.
Chinese researchers plan to create "digital kidney"2025-03-14
Researchers from Peking University have launched the "Kidney Imageomics Project" to develop a "digital kidney" -- a comprehensive digital atlas of the organ -- using multi-modal imaging technology and artificial intelligence algorithms.
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