Commentary: New quality productive forces for better China and world2024-06-21
Developing new quality productive forces is not just a matter of development but also a matter of reform. New quality productive forces are jointly cultivated and driven by the government's "visible hand" and the market's "invisible hand."
1714353240673.jpg EU's tariff plan targeting Chinese EVs to undermine its own green transition: official2024-06-18
EU's tariff plan targeting Chinese EVs to undermine its own green transition: official
China urges U.S. to revoke illegal, unilateral sanctions against Chinese companies2024-06-13
China strongly opposes and condemns the United States' fabricating and spreading disinformation about Xinjiang, and urges it to revoke its illegal and unilateral sanctions against Chinese companies, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said on Wednesday.
Interview: China's BRI a game changer of global trade, says Pakistani economist2024-06-10
The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a game changer that re-directs global trade, a Pakistani economist has said.
Chinese commerce minister says "excessive industrial capacity" narrative reflects "excessive anxiety"2024-06-04
China's Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao said that Europe's anti-subsidy investigation into China's electric vehicles (EVs) on the grounds of "excessive industrial capacity" is typical trade protectionism. Furthermore, China hopes the two sides will address each other's concerns through dialogue and communication.
Experts: 'Overcapacity' narrative counter to fact2024-05-30
The false narratives about China's "overcapacity" disregard fact and economic principles and could jeopardize the global green transition, experts said.
U.S. move of tariff hikes sets "bad example" for free trade2024-05-17
Chinese industrial groups and officials have voiced their objection to the U.S. tariff hikes on Chinese products, saying the move sets a "bad example" in global economic and trade cooperation, tarnishing the credibility of the world's largest economy at least on the front of free trade.
"China overcapacity" narrative to impact global recovery, green transition: commerce ministry2024-05-17
The so-called "China overcapacity" accusation made by some Western countries essentially stems from their concerns about their own competitiveness and market share, and this approach will dampen global economic recovery and the green transition, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.
Investing in China is a superior option for multinationals2024-04-28
A bad decision in everyday life may result in a few hours of inconvenience, but when an international investor bets on the wrong market, that could lead to missed opportunities or even significant losses.
Fallacies and facts about China's "overcapacity"2024-04-29
Recent claims from some Western countries labeling China as having "overcapacity" lack substance and coherence. Upon closer examination, the following facts debunk such rhetoric and reveal the truth.
New energy industry faces undercapacity, not overcapacity2024-04-27
In the ongoing discourse surrounding the global new energy sector, the U.S. allegations of "overcapacity" in China starkly contradict the prevailing reality of significant undercapacity in the industry.
FM spokesperson refutes western accusation of "overcapacity"2024-04-25
Some Western countries have lately been accusing China of "overcapacity," which is baseless hype and China firmly rejects it, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Wednesday.
Commentary: Resilience, potential, fundamentals of Chinese economy remain sound2024-04-17
A series of indicators have shown the Chinese economy accumulated a number of positive elements in the first quarter, kicking off a good start to this year despite pressures and challenges both at home and abroad.
U.S. economist says concept of excess capacity "potentially harmful"2024-04-12
Nicholas Lardy, a senior fellow at Washington D.C.-based think tank the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE), told Xinhua Thursday that the concept of excess capacity is "potentially harmful."
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