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Wen's visit promotes friendly co-op with Nepal, Arab world
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-01-20 07:06

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's just-concluded visit has promoted friendly cooperation with Nepal, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said Thursday.

During his four-nation tour in the past six days, Wen attended more than 40 bilateral and multilateral activities and delivered important speeches at the opening of the Fifth World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi and the Fourth China-Arab Business Conference, Yang said.

Wen's activities have demonstrated China's sincere wish and firm resolve to enhance political trust and strategic cooperation with Arab nations and highlighted China's notion and policy measures to follow a path of green and sustainable development, he said.

And the Chinese premier's active engagement with people from various circles of the countries that he has visited has been warmly and greatly appreciated, Yang said.

Despite its tight schedule, the visit has produced fruitful resutls and is thus a complete success, he said.


Wen's visit to Nepal, the first by a Chinese premier to the south Asian nation over the past 10 years, is aimed at further consolidating China-Nepal friendship, boosting mutual support, promoting cooperation in economy and trade, and expanding people-to-people exchanges, Yang said.

During his talks with Nepalese President Ram Baran Yadav, Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai and leaders of major Nepalese political parties, Wen noted that China and Nepal should handle and develop bilateral relations from an overall strategic perspective.

The two sides need to expand practical cooperation on an equal and mutually beneficial basis and to steadily advance the implementation of related cooperative projects, the Chinese premier said.

And China supports Nepal in seeking reconciliation, stability and development and establishing friendly relations with neighboring countries, Wen said.

It is the common aspiration of all South Asian nations to seek peace, stability and development, said Wen, pledging that China is committed to developing friendly cooperative relations with all the South Asian nations on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

Wen's remarks were widely echoed by Nepalese leaders, who lauded his visit as a milestone one bearing vital significance.

Voicing their thanks to China's long-term firm support and generous aid, they stressed that Nepal attaches great importance to China's core interests, firmly adheres to the one-China policy and deems Taiwan and Tibet as an integral part of China.

They vowed that the Nepalese government will never allow any anti-China activities on its territory.

The two sides signed eight cooperative documents and issued a joint statement.

The international community has paid close attention to Wen's visit to Nepal and hailed it as an enormous support for Nepal given by a friendly neighbor through concrete actions, which is of great importance to Nepal's drive for economic development and the improvement of people's livelihood.

The Nepalese government, political parties and all social sectors have demonstrated a strong consensus on the China-Nepal ties and offered unflagging support for China's core concerns, said Yang, predicting a new leap forward in the development of the bilateral relations.


During his gulf tour, Wen spoke positively of the significant roles of the three gulf nations in the Arab and Islamic world, and exchanged views and reached agreement with the leaders of the countries on expanding bilateral relations, deepening mutual trust and friendship, and facilitating mutually beneficial cooperation.

Wen also signed joint statements with leaders of the three countries and witnessed the signing of dozens of agreements on bilateral cooperation

Wen's trip has enriched the strategic connotations of bilateral relations between China and the three gulf countries.

China and Saudi Arabia agreed to make concerted efforts to enhance bilateral relations under a strategic framework, and agreed to set up a Saudi Arabia-China high level committee to supervise the two countries' cooperation in various fields.

China and the United Arab Emirates agreed to establish a strategic partnership to further enhance China-UAE relations and boost friendly cooperation in various fields on a full scale.

Both China and Qatar believe that the two countries enjoy strategic and long-term relations. The two sides agreed to strengthen coordination in regional and international affairs, and lift the bilateral relationship to higher levels under bilateral and multilateral frameworks.

Wen's gulf tour has also promoted mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the three Gulf states.

During his visit, Wen proposed a pragmatic policy from a strategic and long-term perspective to promote cooperation in the fields of commerce, finance, energy, infrastructure and people-to-people exchanges between China and the three Gulf states.

Leaders of the three countries agreed with Wen's proposal, saying their mutually beneficial cooperation with China has greatly facilitated domestic and regional economic growth, promoted people-to-people exchanges and opened broad prospects for future development. The three Gulf states will push for full-scale friendly cooperations with China in all sectors.

Premier Wen also met with Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Abdullatif al-Zayani, and reached a consensus with him to speed up negotiations on a free trade agreement between the two sides.

Setting up the free trade zone will boost trade and economic cooperation between China and the GCC, enhance their overall relationship, and have a positive influence on the whole world, Wen said.

Al-Zayani said the GCC and its members view relations with China from a strategic perspective and appreciate the important roles that China has played in regional and international affairs.

The GCC will stand together with China in pushing for an early success in negotiations over the free trade zone to uphold common interests of both sides, al-Zayani said.

Wen's trip also expanded people-to-people exchanges between China and the three Gulf countries as well as other Arab nations.

Premier Wen and the leaders of the three Gulf countries agreed that China and Arab countries should work together under new situations to turn the Silk Road into a road of friendship and cooperation, and further deepen communication and cooperation in culture, education and other sectors between China and the Arab countries.

In his meeting with members of the Saudi Arabia-China Friendship Association and the Saudi Arabia-China Business and Industry Council, Wen said mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples, especially the youth, are the foundation of friendly cooperation between China and the Arab countries and that both sides should establish closer cultural ties.

Wen's sincerity and his far-reaching statement have moved his audience, who expressed their willingness to work as messengers of friendship and make new contributions to the Arab-China relations.

At a press conference in Qatar, he expounded his point of view on the achievement of his visit, as well as on international and regional issues.

International and local media extensively covered Wen's visit to the three Gulf states, saying that the visit indicated great importance attached by China to Arab states.

They said the Chinese leader's visit has greatly promoted political mutual trust and relations of strategic cooperation between China and the three Gulf states and also between China and the Arab nations.

Wen's visit has produced fruitful results on bilateral cooperation,which is a successful one that is of vital significance featuring an all-win situation.


Yang said Wen's visit has underlined China's stand on the promotion of renewable energy.

At the opening ceremony of Fifth World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, Premier Wen's keynote speech has conveyed a positive message that China will remain committed to a more sustainable path of development, Yang said.

In his speech, Wen said the core of green growth is to reduce the excessive consumption of energy resources. He offered a four-point proposal:

Firstly, increasing energy efficiency should be put on top of the agenda; Secondly, the development of renewable energy should be promoted by adopting more favorable policies to help expand the technological application in an effort to cut costs.

The third point was to actively promote new technologies to enhance efficiency. Lastly, the premier urged countries to effectively safeguard energy security.

Wen also spoke highly of the special role played by West Asia and North Africa in securing the future supply in the global energy market, adding that China is ready to work with the international community to promote regional peace and development.

On the sidelines of the summit, Wen also met with Icelandic President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to exchange views on the coordination of international and regional affairs.

Political leaders of all countries, representatives of international organizations, business persons and scholars present at the meeting expressed extensive welcome to and made positive comment on China's active role in regional and international affairs.

They also expressed the willingness to further strengthen political mutual trust and practical cooperation with China in promoting common development.

During the visit, Wen also introduced to the world the friendly China-Arab cooperation.

In a speech delivered at the fourth China-Arab Business Conference and Investment Seminar under the framework of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in the UAE, Wen said China gave high priority to its relations with Arab countries and regarded them as an important part of China's foreign policy.

"Our two sides have always cherished the traditional friendship, remained good friends who can be trusted, good partners who can be counted on and good brothers who stand by each other through thick and thin," he said.

Wen put forward a three-point proposal on the China-Arab relations:

-- strengthening political mutual trust and deepening strategic cooperation.

-- deepening mutually beneficial cooperation for common development.

-- expanding cultural and people-to-people exchanges and carrying forward the traditional friendship.

Appreciating China's friendly policy toward the Arab world, the Arab states vowed to make joint efforts with China to further promote mutual trust and friendship between the two sides.

The Chinese premier also expounded on China's stance on maintaining peace and stability in West Asia and North Africa as well as on the Syria issue and Iran's nuclear issue.

Wen said China was closely watching the situation in the region, and urged all relevant parties in the countries concerned to seek peaceful solutions to conflicts through political dialogues.

He also said China respected the people's appeals for reform in the countries concerned, supported the mediation efforts by the Arab League in Syria and called for an end to violence against civilians.

"China hopes and believes the governments and peoples in the region have the ability to solve their own problems," he said. "We support countries in the region in choosing independently a development path suited to their own national conditions."

The international community should play an active and constructive role in this regard, the Chinese premier said.

The Arab countries said they were willing to strengthen communication and coordination with China so as to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.

Yang said Wen's visit, which has achieved its goals of deepening mutual trust, enhancing exchanges, boosting friendship and expanding cooperation with the Arab nations, will further cement the China-Arab friendly cooperation and realize common development with those countries.

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