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China's position on Syria issue
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-02-18 08:55

UN representative says it urges all factions to engage in dialogue to agree comprehensive political reform plan and mechanism

Following is the full text of the explanatory remarks by Wang Min, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, after the vote at the UN General Assembly on the Draft Resolution on Syria on Thursday.

The Chinese government consistently pursues an independent foreign policy of peace and is committed to upholding regional and world peace and stability.

China has followed closely the developments of the situation in Syria, and is deeply worried about the escalating crisis in the country which has caused civilian casualties and affected peace and stability in the Middle East region.

We condemn all acts of violence against innocent civilians and urge the government and all political factions of Syria to immediately and fully end all acts of violence, and quickly restore stability and normal social order. We call on the government of Syria to pay serious heed to the people's legitimate desire for reform and development. We call on the various political factions in Syria to express their political aspirations through non-violent means under the rule of law.

We urge all parties concerned in Syria to immediately launch inclusive political dialogue with no preconditions attached, and jointly discuss a comprehensive political reform plan and mechanism. We call for the holding of a referendum on the draft of a new constitution and parliamentary election at an early date and establishment of a national unity government in which the various factions participate. And we believe efforts should be made on this basis to comprehensively implement the reform plan.

We understand the concern of Arab countries and the League of Arab States on seeking a quick solution to the Syrian issue. We value the important role of Arab countries and the League of Arab States in seeking a political solution to the issue of Syria. We appreciate the efforts made by Arab countries and the League of Arab States for a political solution to the Syrian issue.

We support the position of Arab countries that violence should be stopped immediately, that civilians in Syria should be protected in real earnest, that humanitarian assistance should be given to Syria, and that external military intervention should be avoided. We hope the Syrian issue will be resolved within the framework of the League of Arab States through political and peaceful means.

We believe that the international community should fully respect Syria's sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity, the independent choice of the Syrian people, as well as the result of political dialogue among various parties of Syria. We do not approve of armed intervention or forcing a so-called regime change in Syria.

We do not believe that sanctions or the threat of sanctions is helpful to achieving an appropriate solution. Actions of the international community and the United Nations on the issue of Syria should be helpful to easing tensions, facilitating political dialogue and resolving differences. Such actions, instead of complicating the issue, should be helpful to maintaining peace and stability in the Middle East and upholding unity of the international community.

China voted in accordance with the above-mentioned position.

China is a responsible country and a friend of the Arab people. China has always followed the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the basic norms governing international relations.

China takes an objective, just and responsible stance on the issue of Syria. China is willing to maintain communication with the government and various political factions of Syria, as well as the Arab countries and the League of Arab States.

China will work together with the international community and play a positive and constructive role to appropriately resolve the issue of Syria.

Source:China Daily 
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