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Xi's US visit boosts partnership: FM
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-02-20 07:09

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping's five-day visit to the United States has successfully pushed forward bilateral ties and yielded a variety of fruits, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said Friday night.

The Feb.13-17 visit was aimed at further implementing the important consensus reached by Chinese President Hu Jintao and U.S. President Barack Obama last year, and advancing the China-U.S. cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit, said Yang at the end of the visit.

The visit came at the 40th anniversary of former U.S. President Richard Nixon's ground-breaking trip to China, which opened the door for the normalization of China-U.S. relations years later, said Yang, who was accompanying Xi on the visit.

During the visit, Xi traveled to four cities across the United States: Washington D.C. in the east, Muscatine and Des Moines in the midwest, and Los Angeles in the west.

He attended 27 formal events. He met with Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Congress leaders and other senior officials. He addressed several business forums, and visited a farm, a school, as well as his old friends who he acquainted in Iowa 27 years ago.

Yang said the Chinese leader had well interacted with the U.S. side in a comprehensive way. His visit has accomplished the goals of deepening understanding, boosting mutual trust, expanding cooperation and promoting friendship, and therefore turns out to be a success, said Yang.

Yang said the visit gained the following achievements.

First, it has promoted the important consensus that China and the United States should further boost their cooperative partnership.

The two sides agreed that the China-U.S. relationship is one of the most important bilateral relations in the world and that the two nations could be cooperative partners not only at present but also in the whole of the 21th century.

The two sides also stressed the importance of enhancing strategic mutual trust through dialogue.

Xi said China is committed to a road of peaceful development and is sincere in its aspirations to develop ties with the United States.

Xi also said that China attaches great importance to bilateral military ties and that China is willing to work with the U.S. side to promote the steady and sound development of bilateral military ties based on the principle of mutual respect, mutual trust, reciprocity and mutual benefit.

Obama and Biden said that the United States welcomes the peaceful development of China and that a strong, prosperous and stable China is in the interests of their country and also conducive to peace and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region and the whole world.

The United States is willing to work with the Chinese side to strengthen exchanges between high-level military officials and jointly develop strong military ties conducive to overall bilateral relations.

Leaders of the two countries also showed positive attitudes toward the further enhancement of exchanges between the two nations' legislative bodies and political parties.

Both sides agreed that it is of great importance to properly address sensitive issues.

Xi said the questions of Taiwan and Tibet concern China's core interests. He expressed the hope that the U.S. side would properly address China's concerns over the issues and work in line with the three China-U.S.joint communiques so as to avoid damage to bilateral ties.

On human rights, Xi said China is willing to conduct candid and constructive dialogues with the United States and other members of the international community on the principles of equality and mutual respect so as to increase understanding, reduce divergences and make improvements together.

Obama and Biden said the U.S. side attaches great importance to China's stance and views on these issues.

They said the U.S. government sticks to the one-China policy based on the three joint communiques and does not support "Taiwan independence," adding that the United States hopes to see continuous peaceful development of cross-Straight relations.

They also said the United States would like to maintain dialogue with China on human rights and agreed that the two sides should properly handle sensitive issues concerning bilateral ties.

Second, Xi's trip in the United States expanded mutually beneficial practical cooperation in trade and other fields.

During the visit, Xi expounded on the nature of China-U.S. trade ties, saying that they serve as "ballast" and "propeller" of overall bilateral relations.

He used figures and examples to explain how the two economies are complementary to each other and how bilateral trade brings benefits to both sides, making clear the significance of maintaining the steady development of bilateral trade ties.

Xi said China and the United States should resolve their trade frictions through dialogue on equal footing and candid communication, instead of resorting to means of protectionism.

Xi noted the best solution to the trade imbalance between the two countries is to expand U.S. export to China, saying China hopes the U.S. side could soon take concrete steps to ease export restrictions on high-tech products and create a fair business environment for Chinese investors.

In face of the global economic crisis, China and the United States should jointly overcome the hardships and further strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination so as to quicken the development of a comprehensive mutually beneficial economic partnership.

Obama and Biden said they hoped the two nations could solve their trade problems with a practical and constructive attitude and achieve win-win results.

The two leaders said the United States will take China's trade concerns seriously and would like to seek proper solutions through dialogue.

In addition, the United States welcomes foreign businesses, including those from China, to invest in the United States and the United States is also willing to discuss with the Chinese side the possibility of Chinese enterprises investing in U.S. infrastructure projects, the two leaders said.

During Xi's visit, related departments of the Chinese, U.S. governments signed several cooperation documents on investment, agriculture, inspection and quarantine.

Firms from the two sides also signed trade and investment deals covering the areas of electronics, telecommunications, farm produce, energy, environmental protection, mechanics, chemical industry, pharmacy, among others.

Third, Xi's trip to the United States has deepened China-U.S. friendship and promoted local-level cooperation.

During the five-day visit, Xi made extensive contacts with Americans from all walks of life, engaging himself in the promotion of China-U.S. friendly ties and the consolidation and enlargement of the social and public basis of furthering China-U.S. ties.

In the small town of Muscatine in Iowa, which he visited 27 years ago as an official of China's Hebei province, Xi reunited with a dozen of his old friends for a teatime chat.

At a luncheon hosted by friendly groups in Washington, Xi told a moving story about how he facilitated a trip of an American lady who was trying to fulfil her late husband's wish of revisiting Kuling, his childhood home in Fujian Province in southeast China.

These two episodes have become impressive moments in China-U.S. friendship.

Xi encouraged people of both countries to make new friends and keep old ones to deepen friendship.

At the International Studies Learning Center in Los Angeles, Xi talked to American students face to face.

"Young people are the future of a nation," he said.

Xi called for mutual understanding and friendship between youths of the two countries. He said the two countries should enhance cooperation in culture and education to cultivate talent for the development of both nations and for China-U.S. cooperation.

Xi also held cordial talks with representatives of overseas Chinese and Chinese students in America, encouraging them to actively serve as a bridge in advancing China-U.S. friendly exchanges and cooperation.

Xi's U.S. trip has been a major boost to China-U.S. cooperation at local level.

The state of Iowa regarded Xi's visit as a major event in years and an important opportunity to further cooperation with China.

In Los Angeles, Xi and Biden met the governors from seven Chinese provinces, five U.S. states and one U.S. territory.

The governors held heated and fruitful discussions on cooperation in a wide range of areas including economics and trade, culture, tourism, and education.

Xi spoke highly of the important contributions of China-U.S. communication at the local level to advancing bilateral ties. He encouraged both sides to give full play to each other's advantages to promote local-level exchanges and cooperation.

Fourth, Xi's U.S. tour enhanced communication between the two countries on international and regional affairs.

During the visit, Xi told the U.S. side that China acts in accordance with the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter and the basic norms governing international relations. It pursues an independent foreign policy of peace and devotes itself to safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.

Xi also had a comprehensive exchange of views with the U.S. side on international political, economic and security situations.

The two sides discussed ways to enhance cooperation on global issues such as climate change, counter-terrorism, cyber security, outer space security, energy and resources, public health, food security and disaster prevention and relief.

They also exchanged views on hotspot issues such as the situation on the Korean Peninsula, the Iranian nuclear issue and Syria.

Xi pointed out that in face of increasing global and regional challenges, China and the United States should strengthen coordination and cooperation, meet the challenges together, and jointly play a constructive and responsible role in safeguarding and promoting world peace, stability and prosperity.

The two sides should conduct positive interactions in the Asia-Pacific, Xi said.

"At the same time, we hope the United States will respect the interests and concerns of China and other countries in this region," Xi said.

The U.S. side agreed with Xi, saying that U.S.-China cooperation constitutes an integral part of solving global challenges and has great influence on the development of the world in the 21st century.

The United States is ready to work with China to promote communication, strengthen mutual trust and further boost the development of their cooperative partnership.

Xi's visit has promoted exchanges and cooperation between the two countries and the two peoples in a comprehensive fashion, and has served as a powerful boost to the construction of China-U.S. cooperative partnership in a new era, said Yang.

The Chinese foreign minister said China and the United States should double their efforts in implementing important consensus reached by Hu and Obama last year in an earnest manner and in pushing forward bilateral ties so as to benefit both peoples and the whole world.

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