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Dialogue, negotiation "the only right path" to settle Iranian nuclear issue
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-06-13 15:18

Chinese UN Ambassador Li Baodong said here Tuesday that the only right path to solve the Iranian nuclear issue is through dialogue and negotiation.

"China is firmly against use or threat of force, and calls upon all parties to refrain from any actions or words that may lead to confrontation. Dialogue and negotiation constitute the only right path to a proper settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue," Li told a Security Council meeting about the council's sanctions committee on resolution 1737, which was adopted in 2006.

The 1737 committee is tasked with monitoring a set of sanctions against Iran established by resolution 1737 and subsequent council resolutions.

China has always given importance to and will continue to take an active part in the work of the committee, Li said, hoping the committee will continue to carry out its mandate in accordance with the principle of realism, caution and balance.

The envoy pointed out the Iranian nuclear issue bears upon the authority of the international regime for nonproliferation and peace and stability in the Middle East region, thus the relevant resolutions of the Security Council should be implemented in a comprehensive manner.

However, he emphasized, sanctions are not an end of the resolutions in itself. "China is not in favor of an excessive pressure on Iran nor unilateral sanctions against it," the Chinese ambassador said.

As for the recent discussion between Iran and the 5+1 group, he said China hopes all the parties concerned will further demonstrate good faith and flexibility, respect and accommodate each other's concerns, firmly push forward the diplomatic process, and gradually settle their differences through dialogue.

"China welcomes the numerous rounds of dialogue conducted between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Iran," said Li, adding China encourages both parties to continue their active engagement so as to contribute to an early clarification of the international community's concern about the nuclear program of Iran and the achievement of a diplomatic settlement.

China also expects the panel of experts under the committee, whose mandate was extended on Thursday, to strictly implement the requirements of the relevant resolutions and to continue to work under the direction of the committee according to the principle of neutrality, objectivity and independence, he added.

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