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Washington protesters gather to celebrate May Day
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-05-02 06:50

About 100 protesters on Tuesday gathered in a Washington park for a carnival and a rally to celebrate May Day, as activists around the town engaged in street theater to coincide with global calls of workers' right and economic equality.

Organized by the Occupy D.C. movement and other groups including Washington Peace Center and the Democratic Socialists of America, the movement's supporters gathered in a D.C. park with a stage adorned with a banner that says "May Day, Workers of the World, Unite."

Sonia Silbert, director of Washington Peace Center, told Xinhua that they plan to make the event a carnival games, and there will be workshops to teach labor history, kite making and maple dance. She said there would be performances here on the stage, and a march to the White House in the evening.

Elsewhere in Washington, Occupy D.C. protesters dumped a load of coal at the downtown branch of a bank they say finances mountaintop coal mining, and a protester spray-painted the words " Foreclosed" on a Bank of America branch downtown.

May Day protests took place in more than 125 cities in the United States, Europe and Australia. This year, the Occupy Wall Street movement joined labor unions and embraced May 1 as "A Day Without the 99 Percent," urging students to skip school and employees not to go to work to show their support.

Silbert said the Occupy Movement is seeing May Day as an " opportunity to re-engage and re-explode onto the scene," and it can serve as "a holiday for all of us who work for social justice. "

If there is a message D.C. protesters are sending, Silbert said it is "we are all workers, we are all immigrants, we are all the 99 percent."

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