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U.S. Fed officials wary of recovery sustainability
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-05-17 04:59

U.S. Federal Reserve officials were wary of the firmness of economic recovery despite some positive signs, the minutes of the latest policy meeting showed on Wednesday.

"The incoming information led some participants to become more confident about the durability of the recovery. However, others thought it was premature to infer a stronger underlying trend from the recent positive indicators, since those readings may partially reflect the effects of the mild winter weather or other temporary influences," according to minutes of the April Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting released Wednesday.

Some members recalled the gains in employment strengthened in early 2010 and again in early 2011 only to diminish as those years progressed, and the uncertain effects of the unusually mild weather were cited as making it harder to discern the underlying trend in the economic data, the minutes said.

In their discussion for the monetary policy actions ahead, " several" members indicated that additional monetary policy accommodation could be necessary if the economic recovery lost momentum or the downside risks to the forecast became great enough.

The Fed announced after its April 24-25 meeting to keep interest rates near zero at least through late 2014 to shore up economic recovery.

In a meeting schedule for 2012 and 2013, the Fed said that all meetings will last two days to allow "ample time" for discussions. The Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke will hold press conferences in conjunction with the meetings scheduled for the third month of each quarter, according to the Fed.

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