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Canadian police urged to seize murder suspect
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-06-05 08:19

The Chinese Embassy in Canada has asked relevant Canadian authorities to take effective measures to keep in close contact with the Chinese side and seize the suspect who allegedly murdered a Chinese student studying in Montreal, Canada, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Monday.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin said that the Chinese Embassy in Canada and Chinese Consulate-General in Montreal are in close contact with both federal and local governments as well as Canadian police on this case, Liu said.

The Chinese Embassy in Canada has requested that local police track down the criminal as soon as possible and has asked relevant Canadian authorities to take effective measures to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals in Canada.

"We are greatly shocked by the heinous criminal act and hereby express our strong condemnation and extend our full condolences to the victim and his family," according to a statement posted on the embassy's website on Sunday.

China will facilitate the victim's family members' journey to Canada to visit the deceased, Liu added.

The Federal Government of Canada on June 1, confirmed that Lin Jun, 33, a Chinese student studying at Concordia University in Montreal, was the victim in a recent murder case.

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