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Russian plane lands safely after pressure loss
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-08-03 21:46

A Russian-made Sukhoi Superjet-100 (SSJ-100) passenger plane with 70 people aboard made a successful emergency landing here Friday after the cabin lost pressure, the Emergency Situations Ministry said.

The Ministry's Tartarstan republic regional branch said the pilot notified the control center after taking off from Tartarstan capital Kazan in central Russia the plane's cabin had depressurized. "He made the decision to descend to 3,000 meters and to continue the flight," it said.

The branch said the Aeroflot plane departed Kazan at 11:48 a.m. local time (0748 GMT) heading to Moscow and landed safely at 2:15 p.m. Moscow time (1015 GMT) at Sheremetyevo-1 airport. There were no injuries.

The short-haul SSJ-100, with seating capacities of 75 or 95, is the first commercial plane developed by Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union. It successfully made its maiden test flight last November.

However, the plane has experienced accidents and problems since.

On May 9, 2012, one of the type crashed in Indonesia during a demonstration flight, killing all 45 people aboard.

On June 18, a SSJ-100 aborted a flight from Moscow to Copenhagen due to technical problems, no one was hurt.

On July 12, a SSJ-100 experienced something similar to Friday's problems and, on the same day, another of the aircraft, en route from Nizhni Novgorod in central Russia to Moscow, had to descend to 6,000 meters due to a malfunction in the air conditioning system.

Currently, there are seven SSJ-100 planes operating with Russian airlines and one Armenian airline. Indonesia has ordered 42 SSJ-100s.

By 2020, Russia plans to build 491 of the type.

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