Germany decides to keep embassy in DPRK open for time being
Last Updated:2013-04-07 13:21 | Xinhua
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Germany's embassy in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is to be kept on operation despite the menace of the escalation of current tension in the Korean Peninsula, the German foreign ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

"The security of the German embassy and its exposure to danger are continually being evaluated," the statement read, adding that the embassy can continue working for now.

Pyongyang had openly asked a couple of foreign diplomatic missions to pull out, on the warnings that their safety could not be guaranteed.

"There are consultations going on with regard to the embassy's security, particularly the coordination with the international partners who also have embassies in the country", said the statement.

The heads of EU missions in the DPRK were to meet on Saturday to hammer out a common position following Pyongyang's warning.

So far, most of the EU member countries' governments said that they were not intent on any immediate withdrawal of their diplomatic staves out of Pyongyang, on the anxiety of such a move could to effect as adding oil on the flame over the tension already exist on the Korean peninsula.

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle has openly demanded the DPRK to live up to its obligations under international law in guaranteeing the safety and operability of the diplomatic missions.

In an earlier formal statement, Westerwelle called the DPRK's threat on force and war rhetoric is a dangerous game at the expense of the stability of the entire region, describing it as totally not acceptable.

The safety of the German embassy in Pyongyang is put under up-to-date monitoring throughout the continuous evaluation process of security and threat level on Korean Peninsula, according to Westerwelle.

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