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Iraq's al-Qaida claims responsibility for parliament attack
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-01-11 00:18

Al-Qaida militant group in Iraq Tuesday claimed responsibility for a suicide car bomb attack in November against the Iraqi parliament inside Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone.

The self-styled Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), al-Qaida front in the country, said in a statement posted on an Islamic website that one of its suicide bombers managed to penetrate the Green Zone, which houses some Iraqi government offices, including the parliament, and the U.S. embassy.

The statement said that the attacker targeted Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki but his car detonated prematurely as he was parking it at a car park close to the entrance to the Iraqi parliament.

The authenticity of the statement could not be immediately verified.

Mu'ayad al-Taiyb, an Iraqi lawmaker, was wounded and two people were killed in the suicide car bomb attack on Nov. 28, which several Iraqi officials said targeted parliament speaker Osama al- Nujaifi.

Major General Qassim Atta, spokesman of Baghdad Operations Command, responsible for security in the capital, said that investigations indicate that Maliki was the target of the suicide attack.

The attack occurred as the U.S. troops were leaving the country and tensions grew wild between Iraqi political parties.

Many Iraqis are worried about a resurgence of ethnic and sectarian violence that once nearly torn the country apart few years ago.

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