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UN envoy discuss Resolution 1701 with Hezbollah
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-01-28 02:32

Interim United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Robert Watkins on Friday discussed the UN Resolution 1701 with a senior official of Lebanese Shiite armed group Hezbollah, an official statement said.

"We had a very good discussion about the situation in Lebanon, particularly related to the implementation of Resolution 1701," Watkins said in the statement after talks with Hezbollah's foreign relations coordinator, Ammar Moussawi.

The UN Security Council passed Resolution 1701 in 2006 to put an end to a conflict between Lebanon and Israel.

"We discussed the areas where (Resolution) 1701 has worked very well so far," Watkins said, "including the relative stability that has prevailed in south Lebanon, but also the requirements of 1701 that still have to be met in order to be able to move from the current cessation of hostilities to a permanent ceasefire."

Watkins told reporters that he briefed Moussawi on UN chief Ban Ki-moon's visit to Beirut earlier this month and preparations for the next UN report on the implementation of Resolution 1701.

The report will be submitted to the Security Council by the end of February, Watkins said.

"I told Mr. Moussawi that the (UN) secretary general expressed his expectation in all his meetings that Lebanon would continue to meet all its international obligations under all relevant Security Council resolutions," Watkins said.

Hezbollah had announced that Ban was "unwelcome" in Beirut after the later called on the group to lay down its controversial arsenal.

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