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Israel readies army, police forces for Land Day protests
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-03-30 00:55

The Israel Police on Thursday told Xinhua they were planning major deployments at areas of potential friction with both Arab citizens and Palestinians alike, who would take part in Friday's Land Day marches and rallies.

Thousands of Israeli Arabs, West Bank and Gazan Arabs, as well as thousands of supporters in neighboring Arab countries are expected to take part in the annual protest event, which this year will include attempting to mass marches across Israel's Syrian and Lebanese borders.

Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch on Thursday morning held an update with senior police officials to estimate the potential for violent outbreaks.

The police cancelled all vacations and heightened security patrols nationwide in order to be able to have the maximum amount of forces at hand near Arab Israeli cities and towns, Police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld told Xinhua Thursday.

"We are working with the Border Police, around Jerusalem and the Old City obviously, and will not permit illegal demonstrations, " Rosenfeld said, adding that he hoped officially sanctioned events would take place without disturbances.

Additionally, Rosenfeld said the police are trying to work with Arab sector leaders in order to keep a lid on potential flashpoints.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) commanders are preparing for what Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Wednesday termed "extreme scenarios. "

The IDF spokesman's office, in a brief statement to Xinhua, said that "The IDF is prepared for any eventuality and will do whatever is necessary to protect Israeli borders and residents."

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz earlier this week ordered all weekend leaves cancelled, in order to be able to quickly react to potential outbreaks of violence.

"In the coming holidays there will be no cessation of activity in IDF units," an official told Xinhua, but added that, " nevertheless, each commander can use their judgement as to whether to allow leave for specific soldiers, as throughout the year."

The spokesman stressed however, that, despite the "all-hands-on- deck" mobilization, "No units will be unduly tasked as a result of the decision to cut vacation."

Israel reportedly warned neighboring states, some apparently via third-parties that it would not tolerate any breaching of its borders by participants in the "Global March to Jerusalem."

"Israel is worried," said one march organizer, according to Israeli Channel Two television, adding "We're ready to die as shahids (martyrs)."

Lebanon's government on Wednesday also warned Israel not to take violent measures against protesters heading for Israel from their territory.

"We are prepared for any Israeli aggression; we intend to defend our nation," Lebanese army chief of Staff Maj.-Gen. Walid Salman said Wednesday.

Meanwhile, in the West Bank, defense officials told the Ynet news site that they are coordinating with security counterparts in the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) in order to ensure that demonstrations in Palestinian-patrolled areas remain local.

"We expect thousands of participants," said PNA organizer Yakin Sa'id. "We have no interest in confrontation, and this march will not give rise to a third Intifada. We hope this move will affect Israel and its government's policy."

In a related protest, several thousand pro-Palestinian groups from 15 countries say they plan to try to enter Israel on April 15 and 16 via Israel's international gateway, Ben-Gurion International Airport, as in last year's so-called "Flytilla."

While Israeli officials last year transferred intelligence information on the suspected infiltrators to counterparts in European and other countries in order to bar them from flights to Israel, about 124 managed to arrive on several flights, causing disturbances at the airport before they were placed on return flights.

"The point is to show the world that Israel is preventing people from visiting Palestine," according to a Bethlehem-based organizer of this year's event, who said the activists planned to take part in week-long volunteer activities, if they succeed in entering Israel, The Jerusalem Post said.

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