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Google Street View captures images of Tel Aviv base
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-05-04 08:46

Google's Street View exposed license plates and faces of soldiers inside a Tel Aviv base, information that Israeli authorities believe could be used by their enemies, local media reported on Thursday.

Street View, allowing Internet users to watch streets in three dimensions, is now available in 30 countries. The service made its debut in Israel in April after obtaining government permission.

Under its deal with Israel, Google is not allowed to take pictures of sensitive facilities, which could compromise the Jewish country's national security; it also has to blur the faces of passers-by and license plates on vehicles.

The controversial images taken by Street View in Tel Aviv show a guard post at the entrance of the base, a few soldiers and some parked cars with visible license plates, Ynet news service reported.

It is not clear yet whether Israeli authorities will review their policy towards the service.

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