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Iranian lawmakers urge P5+1 to respect Iran's "rights"
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-05-21 01:29

Three days ahead of the start of new round of talks between the Islamic republic and the world powers, Iranian lawmakers issued a statement on Sunday urging the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany (P5+1) to respect Iran's nuclear rights.

"We warn the P5+1 to respect the rights of the Iranian nation, act on the basis of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) which is an internationally accepted norm," the statement was quoted as saying by the semi-official Fars news agency.

The lawmakers urged the world powers to act "free from the Zionists' (Israeli) pressures and change the policy of confrontation with the Islamic Republic to a policy of interaction, " read the statement.

"And now it is the West's turn to build the Iranian nation's confidence and put an end to its hostile behavior," stressed the statement which was signed by 203 Iranian lawmakers.

It also cautioned the West "to give up their strategy of deceit and dual-track" on Iran's nuclear issue, stressing that the Western powers' resort to the policy of pressure will be followed by Iran's proportional reaction, said the report.

On Sunday, the Iranian lawmaker, Mohammad Karami-Raad, said in an open session of the parliament that Iran will protect its inalienable rights at any cost in the talks in Baghdad on Wednesday, said Fars.

The P5+1 and Iran will hold a new round of nuclear talks in the Iraqi capital Baghdad on May 23.

Karami-Raad lauded the Iranian nation's resistance against the West during the last three decades, and stated, "The world should know that the Islamic Iran is entering Baghdad talks in its best conditions," according to the report.

"In the light of the same resistance ... (the Islamic republic) will not retreat from its inalienable rights at any cost" in the upcoming talks in Baghdad, he added.

On Sunday, the head of Iran's Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, urged the six major world powers to alter their confrontational approach towards Tehran ahead of the talks between Iran and the P5+1, the local satellite Press TV reported.

"Instead of the policy of confrontation against Iran, the West must pursue the policy of interaction in Baghdad talks," Boroujerdi told reporters on Sunday.

He stressed that Iran seeks peaceful nuclear activities and despite international pressure and repeated resolutions and sanctions, Iran would never give up its right to achieve nuclear energy.

Another senior Iranian lawmaker said Sunday that the imminent visit of IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano to Iran can yield positive results, Fars reported.

The upcoming visit to Iran by the IAEA chief can yield positive results for the settlement of Iran-West nuclear debates if Amano acts upon his legal and technical obligations, rather than pursuing a political agenda, the member of Iran's Majlis ( parliament) National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh told Fars.

"Amano's visit indicates the sensitivity of the diplomacy which has been formed on Iran's nuclear program," Falahatpisheh was quoted as saying.

He said Amano's reports on Iran's nuclear activities strongly affect the stance of the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany (P5+1), said the report.

"In these conditions, his visit to Iran can leave positive effects in case he, this time, acts upon his technical and legal obligations," Falahatpisheh said, adding that Amano's success in doing so will be in the interest of the agency and its legal standing in international equations and will also help diplomatic efforts to settle the Iran-West nuclear standoff.

On Friday, the UN nuclear watchdog said in a brief statement that Amano would visit Tehran for nuclear talks and would discuss issues of mutual interest with high-level Iranian officials on Monday.

During his one-day working visit, Amano would meet Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili and other senior representatives of the Iranian government.

The talks aim at pushing Iran to allow IAEA experts access to sites, people and documents the agency seeks to address concerns that the country might have been working on nuclear weapons.

Boroujerdi said the outcomes of Amano's visit would play an effective role in the Baghdad meeting, according to Press TV.

The leaders of Group of Eight (G8) major industrial nations said on Saturday that they remain united in their "grave concern" over Iran's disputed nuclear program, while urging Tehran to address such concern without delay.

"We remain united in our grave concern over Iran's nuclear program. We call on Iran to comply with all of its obligations under relevant UNSC (United Nations Security Council) resolutions and requirements of the AEA Board of Governors," the G8 leaders said in a declaration issued after their summit at the Camp David, the U.S. presidential retreat in the state of Maryland.

The G8 leaders urged Iran "to continuously comply with its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, including its safeguards obligations," the declaration said.

They also demanded Iran "address without delay" all outstanding issues related to its nuclear program, such as questions concerning possible military dimensions, while expressing the desire for "a peaceful and negotiated solution to concerns over Iran's nuclear program."

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