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7 mortar shells from Gaza explode in southern Israel
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-10-24 05:53

 Palestinian militants in Gaza on Tuesday fired seven mortar shells into Israel, which caused no serious damages or injuries as reported.

Alarms resounded again in the Eshkol region, south of Israel, with three shells landing near kibbutz Re'im and shortly afterward, another four exploded in an open space nearby.

The Home Front Command ordered residents in the area to stay in the shelters, an army spokesperson told Xinhua.

The Re'im kibbutz opened its fortified children's section to any neighbor wishing to spend the night, Ynet News site reported.

The Israeli Air Force also confirmed a hit on a rocket- launching squad in Gaza, while preparing to fire rockets toward Israel.

In a press release sent to the media, the Israeli army blames Hamas for any rockets fired into Israel.

"The Hamas terror organization is solely responsible for any terrorist activity emanating from the Gaza Strip," the press release read.

Earlier Tuesday, an Israeli Defense Forces officer sustained serious wounds in an attack by Palestinians near the Kissufim crossing with Gaza, the army told Xinhua.

Militants often set bombs and perpetrate shooting attacks in the area, the army said, noting an attempted bombing against troops last week.

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