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Egypt protesters burn Israeli flag outside AL headquarters
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-11-16 09:00

Egyptian protesters burned Thursday the Israeli flag outside the headquarters of Arab League (AL) in central Cairo, raging over the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.

The angry protesters representing some political and religious factions, as well as the Palestinian community, chanted anti- Israel slogans, urging the Arab and Islamic countries to "do what they can to stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and end the bloodshed."

The AL will hold an emergency meeting of foreign ministers on Saturday, aiming to tackle the Israeli military operation in Gaza Strip.

Some demonstrators also marched to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry to express their indignation over the violence and their support to the Palestinian people, waving banners written " Palestine, we will never forget you."

Meanwhile, Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Qandil will visit the Gaza Strip on Friday, in solidarity with the people there, official MENA news agency quoted Egyptian presidential spokesman Yasser Ali as saying.

The U.S. embassy in Cairo has advised Thursday evening its nationals in Egypt to avoid appearing in areas where large gatherings may occur.

"Tensions between Israel and Egypt have escalated over the situation in Gaza. The possibility exists that demonstrations may occur," MENA quoted a message by the embassy as saying.

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood has called all Egyptian people for organizing a protest on Friday against the Israeli aggression upon Gaza Strip.

At least 16 Palestinians have been killed and more than 145 wounded during the ongoing Israeli airstrikes, according to Palestinian Health Ministry.

On the other hand, over 250 rockets were launched toward Israel 's southern communities and three Israelis were killed in the attack.

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