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Uncertainties shadow ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-11-18 15:00

The outcome of the ongoing conflict between Israeli forces and Gazan militants on Sunday has been harder than ever to predict, as both sides are engaging in fresh violence.

Gazan militants are showing unusually strong fighting power, an angry Israel is threatening a ground assault, while Arab nations are voicing louder anti-Israel remarks.

The Israeli assault went on unabated early Sunday for a fifth straight day. On Sunday, a Palestinian child was killed and 25 people, including six journalists, were injured in Israeli strikes from the air and the sea.

The Palestinian death toll from Israel's"Operation Pillar of Defense" has climbed to 47, while more than 500 were wounded, said Ashraf al-Qedra, spokesman of the Hamas-run ministry of health, adding 70 percent of the casualties were civilians.

Abu Ubeida, a masked Hamas military spokesman, said on television that Hamas"hasn't been weakened by the last four intensive Israeli airstikes on the Gaza Strip. There are still many surprises and Hamas keeps enough power to exhaust the enemy."

The spokesman's comments came as militants from the blocked Gaza Strip launched more rockets towards Tel Aviv during the weekend. One of the rockets was intercepted by an Israeli Iron Dome anti-missile battery early Saturday.

The rocket attack was the third in three days against the central city, which came under rocket attacks for the first time since the 1991 Gulf War. It came as nervous residents of southern Israeli, who were living under the constant threat of rocket attacks, busied themselves packing and preparing to flee.

Meanwhile, Israel, which has threatened a ground operation, was surrounded by sharp Arab criticism despite support from the United States and some other Western nations.

The administration of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with a general election looming on Jan. 22, has to balance regional relations and cries from its citizens for security and the elimination of the rocket attacks.

Nabil al-Arabi, secretary general of the Arab League, on Saturday decided to head a ministerial committee to the Gaza Strip, and condemned the Israeli attacks.

Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Qandil, who paid a brief visit to Gaza on Friday, said Egypt will continue its efforts to end the Israeli"aggression."

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday during a meeting with Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi that"Turkey will work along with Egypt and the international community to stand by the Palestinian people."

Erdogan said earlier that"Israel is breaking the cease-fire in Gaza. We want an immediate cease-fire. Some 40 people have been killed on the Gazan side up until now, but the Israeli government sets the world on fire when three Israeli people died."

Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour has urged the Arab nations to adopt strict political and economic measures against Israel in response to the assault.

Tunisian Foreign Minister Rafik Abdessalem, who visited the Gaza Strip to express solidarity with the Palestinians, denounced the Israeli attacks as"unacceptable." Abdessalem urged Israel to halt its attacks and called on the Arabl League to take measures to improve the situation.

Meanwhile, supportive voices for Israel from the West appeared too weak to compete with the Arab complaints.

The U.S. supports Israel's"right to self-defense," but hopes the conflict would be resolved through"de-escalation" and diplomacy, said Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser to President Barack Obama.

British Prime Minister David Cameron, for his part,"expressed concern over the risk of the conflict escalating further and the danger of further civilian casualties on both sides" during a talk with Netanyahu. 


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