Xi says China ready to develop comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in new era with Tajikistan2024-07-06
China stands ready to develop the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in the new era with Tajikistan, said Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday.
China endeavors to foster more united, prosperous SCO community2024-07-06
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday called for building a common home of prosperity and development, and called on the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to ensure security in the face of real threat from the Cold War mentality.
China, Tajikistan vow to jointly build multimodal transport corridor: joint statement2024-07-06
China and Tajikistan will jointly build the multimodal transport corridor linking China and Türkiye via regional countries, said a joint statement between the two countries released on Friday.
Echoes of a Tajik poet in China-Tajikistan exchanges2024-07-06
In a signed article published Friday in Tajik media upon his state visit to the Central Asian country, Chinese President Xi Jinping invoked the words of a Tajik poet to express his anticipation for meeting with his Tajik counterpart, President Emomali Rahmon.
China, Tajikistan support forming inclusive government in Afghanistan -- joint statement2024-07-06
China and Tajikistan on Friday expressed their support in a joint statement for the establishment of an inclusive government with the participation of representatives of all ethnic, religious and political groups in Afghanistan.
未命名_副本.jpg Xi awards Tajik President Rahmon China's friendship medal2024-07-06
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday awarded Tajik President Emomali Rahmon the Friendship Medal of the People's Republic of China in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.
Architectural marvels in Dushanbe stand as testament to China-Tajikistan friendship2024-07-06
In Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, two newly constructed building compounds on Rudaki Avenue stand less than a kilometer apart. These architectural marvels shine brilliantly under the sunlight.
Full Text of Chinese president's signed article on Tajik media2024-07-05
A signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping titled "Working Together for a Brighter Future of China-Tajikistan Relations" was published Friday on the Narodnaya Gazeta newspaper and the state-run Khovar News Agency upon his state visit to Tajikistan.
SCO boosts agricultural bonds between China, Central Asia2024-07-05
A map of Central Asia hangs on the wall of Professor Zhang Zhengmao's office at Northwest A&F University. Over the years, he has marked his journeys on the map as reminders of his travels.
未命名_副本_副本.jpg Xi kicks off state visit to Tajikistan, eyeing new heights in bilateral cooperation2024-07-05
Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived here on Thursday night, commencing his state visit to Tajikistan following a busy schedule at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Astana, Kazakhstan.
Xi expects his visit to take China-Tajikistan all-round cooperation to higher level2024-07-05
Chinese President Xi Jinping vowed Thursday to take the China-Tajikistan all-round cooperation to a higher level.
New prospects for Tajikistan-China comprehensive strategic partnership, says Tajik president2024-07-05
Tajikistan-China relations have entered a new historical stage, opening up new prospects for extensive cooperation, said Tajik President Emomali Rahmon in a recent exclusive written interview with Xinhua.
Full text of Xi Jinping's speech at "Shanghai Cooperation Organization Plus" Meeting in Astana2024-07-05
Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech Thursday at "Shanghai Cooperation Organization Plus" meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan.
Xi's Central Asia trip pushes for China's stronger bond with regional countries2024-07-05
Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to Kazakhstan, the first leg of his ongoing Central Asia trip, has yielded fruitful results, a testament to China's commitment to jointly building a more substantive and dynamic China-Kazakhstan community with a shared future.
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