New prospects for Tajikistan-China comprehensive strategic partnership, says Tajik president2024-07-05
Tajikistan-China relations have entered a new historical stage, opening up new prospects for extensive cooperation, said Tajik President Emomali Rahmon in a recent exclusive written interview with Xinhua.
Tajikistan-China ties grow with notable achievements over 3 decades, says senior journalist2024-07-04
Over the past three decades, Tajikistan-China relations have witnessed notable achievements and bilateral cooperation has been growing day by day, a senior Tajik journalist has said.
Chinese, Tajik heads of state spearhead rapid growth of bilateral ties, says ambassador2024-07-03
China-Tajikistan relations have reached new heights, with strategic leadership of the two heads of state playing a key role, Chinese Ambassador to Tajikistan Ji Shumin said in a recent interview with Xinhua.
Xi's visit highlights China's commitment to regional cooperation, SCO unity, says Kazakh scholar2024-07-03
Chinese President Xi Jinping's ongoing trip to Kazakhstan underscores China's commitment to regional cooperation and growing efforts to deepen closer partnerships while promoting unity within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), said Gulnar Shaimergenova, director of Kazakhstan's China Studies Center.
SCO champions connectivity, cooperation for shared future2024-07-02
About one year ago at the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Chinese President Xi Jinping raised a question to the global community: Unity or split, peace or conflict, cooperation or confrontation -- these are the questions raised again by our times.
Kazakhstan-China permanent comprehensive strategic partnership to usher in new chapter, says Kazakh president2024-07-02
The upcoming meeting between the heads of state of Kazakhstan and China will benefit people of the two countries, and the agreements to be reached will open a new chapter in the Kazakhstan-China permanent comprehensive strategic partnership, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has said.
China, Kazakhstan make joint contribution under SCO for better world, says Chinese ambassador2024-07-02
In recent years, China and Kazakhstan have deepened cooperation in various fields within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) framework, contributing to building an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world of lasting peace, universal security and shared prosperity, said Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan Zhang Xiao.
Group playing vital role in ensuring security, stability2024-07-01
The world in which we live today is not becoming any safer. The ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, the Gaza Strip and the Red Sea, as well as tensions in the South China Sea, South Caucasus and the Korean Peninsula, are not helping to bring peace and stability to humanity. With major powers in acute confrontation, the conflict resolution mechanisms of the United Nations have become less effective. United States-led military alliances like NATO and the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue are pursuing aggressive policies that threaten the security of many other countries. In addition to these foreign policy threats, there are specific regional issues related to international and domestic terrorism, separatism and religious extremism.
SCO crucial actor in global security system, says Kazakh expert2024-07-01
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has established itself as an effective and highly-valued structure within the international security system, with strong prospects for further development, said Bolat Nurgaliyev, former Secretary-General of the SCO.
Carrying forward "Shanghai Spirit" to strengthen mutual learning among civilizations2024-06-24
Interactions between civilizations provide the most solid foundation for the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and people-to-people exchanges provide the strongest driving force for the organization.
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