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489 motions submitted to parliamentary session
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-03-13 22:52

A total of 489 motions were submitted to the secretariat of China's annualparliamentarysession by the deadline of March 9, an official of the session said Tuesday.

Among them, 477 motions are about legislation, eight about supervision and four on other issues, said Wang Wanbin, deputy secretary-general of the Fifth Session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC), in a report to a presidium meeting of the session.

Five motions were submitted by delegations and the rest by groups of NPC deputies, Wang said.

Under Chinese law, a motion can be raised by the presidium of the NPC, the NPC Standing Committee, special committees of the NPC, the State Council, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, a provincial-level delegation to the NPC, or a group of at least 30 NPC deputies.

These motions cover various topics in economic, political, cultural, social and environmental aspects, Wang said.

In the motions, lawmakers proposed to deepen reform and opening up, improve macroeconomic control, boost restructuring, curb pollution and enhance management of land, he said.

They also handed in motions about how to control price hikes, expand employment, promote education and health care service, according to the official.

All the motions will be handed over to special committees of the NPC for further discussion and the results will be submitted to the NPC Standing Committee.

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