Wang Yang meets Taiwan electronics delegation
Last Updated: 2013-09-03 07:54 | Xinhua
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Vice Premier Wang Yang on Monday promised to create a favorable market environment that will provide more opportunities for cooperation between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan.

Wang made the remarks while meeting with a visiting delegation of the Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (TEEMA) headed by its board chairman Guo Tai-chiang.

Praising the TEEMA's contributions to promoting cross-Strait relations, Wang said that the mainland will continue to "resolutely" push forward reform and opening-up as well as nourish a legalized market environment so as to create space for more economic cooperation between the two sides across the Taiwan Strait.

Guo vowed to assist Taiwanese businessmen in investing in the mainland and help accelerate the fruition of a cross-Strait commodity trade agreement.

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