Pakistan poised to adopt Beidou navigation system
Last Updated: 2013-05-21 17:05 | CE.cn
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By Li Hpngmei


China's Beidou (or Compass) satellite navigation system is set to expand its presence into Pakistan, reports China Economic Net, citing an interview from China Daily.

Beijing BDStar Navigation Co, which promotes Beidou as a Chinese alternative to the U.S. GPS, will reportedly spend tens of millions of dollars to establish a network of ground stations in Pakistan to boost Beidou's accuracy.

If successful, Pakistan will become the fifth Asian country to adopt the Beidou system behind China, Thailand, Laos and Brunei.

Global Times also claim that Chinese Premier, Li Keqiang, is expected to sign agreements related to Beidou with Pakistan during his visit to the country between May 22-23.

The system has been delivering services for the Asia-Pacific region since December, with the aim of providing a global service by 2020. The Beidou network has 16 navigation satellites over the region, with 30 more due to join the system by 2020.

Huang Lei, international business director of Beijing BDStar Navigation, told China Daily during a recent interview that foreign aid programs and cooperation agreements are the main ways to promote Beidou in the international market.

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