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65 border villages to get special status in Kyrgyzstan
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-04-21 02:56

A total of 65 border villages in Kyrgyzstan will be given a special status, an official said on Friday.

According to Kurbanbayev Iskenderov, head of the Border Areas Department, most of the villages in the south of the border with Uzbekistan and Tajikistan will get the special status. This government initiative is associated with a large resident outflow from border areas into big cities in the border region.

Giving special status to villages located in border areas will not help in resolving the issue of borders, said parliament deputy Raykana Tologonova. He believes the world is now in the process of urbanization and rural residents typically seek a living in the city.

"Even if you give some border villages incentives to build housing for the villagers, there is no guarantee that they will live there. So, first of all, it is necessary to strengthen border security," Tologonova said.

The Kyrgyz parliament is currently considering a draft law on cross-border settlement of irrigated areas in Batken region, which borders with Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The initiators hope that the bill would prevent the inflow of people from neighboring countries in the Batken region.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, there has been problems on the common borders of former Soviet republics. Kyrgyzstan has completed the process of demarcation and delimitation of the border with its northern neighbor Kazakhstan. However, it has not solved the border problem with its neighbors to the southwest -- Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

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