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Israel stands determined against Iranian threat
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-02-16 06:00

Israeli army chief Lt.- Gen. Benny Gantz said Wednesday that Israel will stand determined to face the Iranian nuclear program, hours after the Islamic Republic announced its latest nuclear achievements, in defiance of Western sanctions threats.

Gantz, who was speaking at a ceremony marking the 15 years since 73 IDF soldiers died in a helicopter crash, expressed concern about Iran's announcement.

"Today we hear the thunderous voices threatening Israel's security, both near and far. The Ayatollahs of Iran are in the midst of an arms race, attempting to harm Israeli and Western targets around the world," Gantz said.

"We stand determined in the face of these threats," he added.

Earlier on Wednesday, during an official presentation, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad unveiled nuclear fuel rods, as well as a new generation of centrifuges and a number of radioactive medicines.

Officials in Tehran also lashed out at Western countries in spite of the economic sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic.

Western countries, including Israel, suspect that Iran is developing nuclear bombs under the cover of its nuclear program, while the Islamic republic insists the program is only for power generation and medical purpose.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Wednesday that Israel will stand strong in the face of "Iranian terror threats", referring to the latest string of attacks against Israeli targets around the world.

Although Iran denied any involvement in this week's bombings against Israeli diplomats in India, Georgia and Thailand, Israel blamed Ahmadinejad's administration for the attacks.

Officials in Teheran have denied any connection to the attacks, and alleged that Israel itself carried out the bombings as part of a so-called "false-flag" attack, one intended to "tarnish Iran's friendly ties" with Georgia and India.

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