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Israel solely responsible for it's own future
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-02-21 23:34

Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Tuesday the United States and Israel are "two sovereign countries, each one responsible in the final analysis for the decisions it takes for itself and about its future."

Barak's remarks came amid increasing reports of growing distance between the two allies over how to deal with an Iranian drive to build a nuclear weapon.

After a meeting with U.S. National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, Barak told members of his Knesset (parliament) that American- Israel ties were notable for their "openness, mutual respect, understanding, attentiveness, and knowledge that at the end of the day we are talking about two very friendly countries with a very long and deep connection, that has deepened during the current administration," The Jerusalem Post reported.

However, despite Barak's genial tone, senior Israeli officials have said in recent days that continued warnings by the United States against any military action against Tehran only "served Iran's interests," according to the Ha'aretz daily.

"We made it clear to Donilon that all those statements and briefings only served the Iranians," a senior Israeli official was quoted as saying.

"The Iranians see there's controversy between the United States and Israel, and that the Americans object to a military act. That reduces the pressure on them," the report said.

The White House, however, called Donilon's visit "part of the continuous and intensive dialogue between the United States and Israel and reflects our unshakeable commitment to Israel's security," in a statement on Monday, which also announced that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with U.S. President Barak Obama on March 5.

The meeting is expected to focus on a range of actions to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons capability, whether through sanctions, talks, or military strike.

Last Thursday, Netanyahu called Iran "the most irresponsible" country in the world, saying sanctions against Tehran over its controversial nuclear program "haven't worked." Israel also accused Iran of being behind the recent bomb attacks on its embassy personnel in India, Georgia and Thailand.

Washington and the European Union have targeted Iran's central bank and oil exports for sanctions in their continuous efforts to press the country to stop its uranium enrichment activities.

"Does it deserve a chance? It does deserve a chance, and I think there is a chance of success if it is done with determination and leadership," Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor said Monday, referring to the sanctions.

In an interview with the CNN, Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Sunday American officials have tried to persuade Israel from launching an attack on Iran.

U.S. officials believe Iran is "a rational actor" and "the current path that we're on is the most prudent at this point," Dempsey said, noting that the economic sanctions on Iran are " beginning to have an effect."

Donilon's three-day visit in Israel, and that of intelligence chief James Clapper, due here later this week, underscores not only sharp tensions between Iran and the West, but also Israeli-U. S. perceptions of the severity of Iran's potential nuclear threat, should it succeed in making a nuclear weapon.

"We made it clear that if we don't increase the pressure on the Iranians now," an Israeli official who requested anonymity said, " we might be in a situation in which the question how Iran obtained nuclear weapons would become an issue for commentators and historians."

Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, for his part, on Tuesday denied the claims of a critical breakdown between the two allies.

Ayalon told Israel Radio that "mutual understanding was constantly growing," according to The Times of Israel.

At Sunday's weekly cabinet meeting, Netanyahu told his ministers that Israel must "improve and enlarge" and be resilient in the face of its foe's growing arsenal in the region.

"This is part of our continuing measures implemented in recent years in order to prepare Israel for a new era that we are all familiar with: the era of threats against the Israeli home front," he said.

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