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Tel Aviv mayor urges PM for solutions to illegal migrants' woes
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-05-10 12:59

Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai said Wednesday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should formulate a coherent policy towards illegal immigrants, following rising tensions with their Israeli neighbors.

In recent months, Huldai's municipality and police have been coping with growing street crimes by mostly Sudanese infiltrators, and revenge attacks, including fire-bombings and assaults by Israelis ired by their presence.

"I am required to address you again as the person who chairs the government in a demand to take responsibility over the frustrating reality of which my city's citizens are required to live in," read a copy of the mayor's letter to the prime minister, sent to Xinhua.

Huldai noted that tens of thousands of illegal immigrants already dwell in Tel Aviv, with thousands more immigrating to the city every month.

"No one in the government is taking responsibility for treating them," the mayor said, adding that "You can't ignore their needs as human beings and expect them not to turn to crime."

The letter comes after the recent arrest of two Israelis suspected of a firebomb attack on an African asylum seeker's apartment.

The Tel Aviv mayor said he can not afford to wait until the completion of the Israel-Egypt border barrier, which is intended to prevent illegal access to Israel.

Netanyahu said the government is constantly dealing with the illegal immigrant phenomenon, in a reply sent to Huldai on Wednesday.

"This phenomenon is endangering security, the economy and society. We allocated a budget to establish a holding facility for detainees and we are promoting legislation which will significantly increase the fines on employers of illegal immigrants," Netanyahu wrote, according to Army radio.

While the city and government offices exchange letters, out on the street, daily relations between Israelis and the burgeoning alien population in the city's southern neighborhoods remain tense, with violence occurring on a near-daily basis.

The police on Wednesday arrested a Sudanese citizen suspected of breaking into a Tel Aviv home two weeks ago and raping a female tenant, Ynet news reported.

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