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Hamas celebrates, PNA welcomes Morsi's victory in Egyptian presidential race
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-06-25 00:06

Islamic Hamas movement ruling the Gaza Strip on Sunday celebrated the victory of Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate for the presidential elections, while the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) governing the West Bank welcomed his win.

Mahmoud Zahar, a senior Hamas movement leader told reporters that the winning of Morsi as Egypt's president will support the armed resistance against the Israeli occupation, saying that "the victory of Morsi boosts the program that rejects the occupation."

He also said that this victory will reject any cooperation with and normalization of the Israeli occupation, adding that loser in the battle is Israel and its agents in the region

Hamas, a historical offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood founded in 1987, routed forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and took over the Gaza Strip in 2007.

The movement expressed hope that the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt will help it overcome the sanctions imposed on Hamas by Israel and Egypt's former regime.

Hamas supporters drove cars all over Gaza, turning the front lights on and pressing on the cars horns. Hundreds of them waved Egyptian flags and the green flags of Hamas movement. They also delivered sweets and candies to the people in the streets and fired into the air, witnesses said.

Palestinian medical sources said that one Palestinian was killed and five wounded when Hamas supporters randomly and intensively fired into the air in Gaza city and in the southern town of Rafah, which is on the border with Egypt.

Meanwhile, Hamas government's premier Ismail Haneya telephoned Morsi as soon as the final results were declared to congratulate Morsi's historic victory, Haneya's office said in a press statement. Thousands had also gathered in front of Haneya's house in western Gaza city.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank also welcomed the winning of Morsi in Egypt's presidential race. Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said "we welcome the democratic Egyptian choice" and "appreciate it as Palestinians."

Erekat, also a member of the Executive Committee of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), added that the winning of the Brotherhood will not change Egypt's position regarding the Palestinian cause.

Praising the former Egyptian regime, which maintained close alliance with the Palestinian leadership, Erekat said "Egypt sacrificed the best of its youths and sons to Palestine," expressing hope that the new president will give more support to the Palestinians.

Both Hamas and Fatah agreed that the winning of Morsi should not affect their efforts to reconcile. Egypt has been the official sponsor of the Palestinian reconciliation dialogue, and some fear that the rise of the Islamic parties in the region will harden Hamas' stance toward reconciliation.

Earlier on Sunday, and few hours before announcement, Egypt suddenly closed the key Rafah border crossing with the Gaza Strip. Hamas government's ministry of interior said on its website that Egypt closed the crossing without giving any reason but apparently was trying to avoid chaos.

The Executive Committee of the PLO congratulated Morsi in a statement for his victory in the presidential election, and the Palestinian People's Party and the Palestinian National Initiative Party had also congratulated Morsi for his victory.

The less influential Islamic Jihad (Holy War) movement in Gaza also said in a press statement emailed to reporters that it congratulated President Morsi for his victory and expressed hope that his victory would keep Egypt safe and strong and would help resolving the just Palestinian cause.

Abbas' secular Fatah Party also said that the victory of the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate Morsi "is the choice of the Egyptian people," adding that his movement respects this choice and hopes that Egypt will remain to be the pioneer of the Arab World.

"We wish all the best to the Egyptian people and we respect their choice," Amind Maqbool, Secretary General of Fatah party's revolutionary council, adding that "regardless of who is the winner, we will keep exerting efforts to achieve the internal Palestinian reconciliation and ending the division."

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