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Israeli DM vows to end Gaza rocket barrage
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-10-24 20:46

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Wednesday that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) will take "any necessary action" to halt Gaza militants' deluge of rockets aimed at striking Israeli communities.

The IDF is exploring "all options" to find a solution to the escalation, Barak told Army Radio.

As of noon, the army told Xinhua that Palestinian militants fired 68 rockets over a 24-hour period, injuring four people including two foreign agricultural workers and hit at least seven homes.

While Barak did not deny the possibility of a ground operation in Gaza, he indicated that such a move was presently unlikely.

"The IDF is strong and it can do whatever the Israeli government decides upon," Barak said.

"It's important that the government evaluate every move before making any decision," he said, adding that "there's no way of coming to terms with the terrorists from Gaza, if push comes to shove, we'll handle them with many blows, because nothing is impossible."

In a conference call with reporters on Wednesday, IDF Spokesman Lt.-Col. Avital Leibovich called Gaza "a hub of terror, led and organized by Hamas," and said Israel holds "Hamas accountable for any fire coming out of Gaza."

Last week, Israel carried out several airstrikes against Hamas and the Islamic Jihad in retaliation to a barrage of more than 50 rockets fired towards southern Israel.

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