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Over dozen rockets fired into Israel from Gaza
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-10-29 16:14

A rocket fired from Gaza landed in Israel's western Negev desert early Monday morning, bringing to 16 the number of projectiles unleashed by Palestinian militants into southern Israel, Israeli media reported.

The rocket exploded in an open area. No injuries or damage were reported.

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) hit back at targets in the Gaza Strip overnight on Sunday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Spokesperson Office said in a statement.

A further 15 rockets fell overnight in the Eshkol Regional Council area following the IAF strike, Army Radio reported.

The IDF statement said the IAF struck "terrorist targets" in Gaza, including a rocket-launching site in the northern Gaza Strip and a center of "terrorist activity" in southern Gaza.

Palestinian sources announced damage done to two rocket- launching squads in Khan Younis and Beit Hanoun, with no injuries reported.

The IDF said the airstrike was in response to high trajectory fire into Israeli territory after Palestinians in Gaza fired three long-range Grad rockets at Beersheba, a city in Israel's Negev desert, on Sunday morning, threatening to end a brief period of calm.

The rockets triggered air raid sirens on the outskirts of the city, and hit in open areas, the Israel Police said.

The Beersheba Municipality canceled school on Sunday as a result of the threat of ongoing violence. Beersheba Mayor Rubik Danilovich noted that in recent years, Palestinian rockets had hit four schools and kindergartens in the Negev city, adding that casualties were avoided because they were closed ahead of time.

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