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Israel halts Africans' infiltration by intensifying security deployment
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-11-05 14:25

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday told his cabinet that improved security deployment and a new high-tech barrier along the Egyptian border had succeeded in ending illegal entry by Africans seeking work or asylum in Israel.

"In the last month, only 54 infiltrators crossed the border and all -- without exception -- were taken into custody," Netanyahu said in statements sent to Xinhua.

"That means that none of them made it to Israeli cities," he said, noting that "I remind you that only half a year ago, every month more than 1,000 came in, and that number was rising."

Israel Defense Forces' (IDF) upgraded patrols and the erection of the 240-km-long barrier is intended not only to keep illegal migrants off Israeli turf, but also plays an important role in preventing attacks by militant cells.

Last month, the army said that it plans to soon deploy new security measures along the border with Egypt in light of looming terror threats from the Sinai Peninsula.

The new hi-tech gear and infrastructure improvements are focused on along a 40 km "Dunes" sector of the 240 km long border fence, the IDF Spokesperson told Xinhua in October.

Due to its extreme topography, the open sandy area is particularly vulnerable to infiltrations and has served in the past as a corridor for militants to reach Israeli territory, the army said.

The beefed-up security is to include a fence-mounted vibration sensor array which signals operators where an infiltration is taking place. The system is also deployed on Israel's borders with the Gaza Strip, Lebanon and Syria.

The IDF is also planning to relocate current Dune sector outposts further away from the border in hopes of minimizing the potential for clashes between the soldiers and militants.

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