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Suspected "price tag" attack against Arabs in E Jerusalem
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-11-05 14:25

Israeli police on Sunday suspect that the so-called "price tag" vandals are behind an overnight attack against Palestinian-owned vehicles in Jerusalem's largely Arab populated eastern areas.

"The criminal incident with nationalistic motives is being looked into by Jerusalem police," Spokesman superintendent Mickey Rosenfeld told Xinhua Sunday.

In the attack, graffiti was sprayed on six vehicles, including slogans saying "Price Tag," "Freedom for the Homeland," according to Israel Radio.

"We are still searching for the suspects who fled the scene," Rosenfeld said of the incident, which mirrors dozens of previous such attacks.

Some of such vandal attacks in recent months have included torching of mosques and other Palestinian property, anti-Arab and anti-Israeli government graffiti sprayed on walls of institutions, burning and defacement of cars and other vehicles in Palestinian villages, and harassment of Israeli military forces.

Despite a few arrests and convictions, the attacks are mostly attributed to settlers and supporters of construction in the West Bank, who claim the acts as a "price tag," imposed after government and military forces tear down disputed outposts and neighborhoods in larger communities.

Over the past two years, only 23 indictments were filed out of 170 documented "price tag" attacks.

The attack comes 24-hours after two suspected Arabs stabbed an Israeli resident of a Jewish apartment complex in the Ras al-Amud neighborhood, in the vicinity.

The attackers fled after stabbing the Israeli, a man in his 30s, who sustained moderate wounds, according to hospital officials.

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