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Israeli PM stresses right to defend citizens against Gaza attacks
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-11-13 00:17

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of foreign ambassadors on Monday that Israel has the right to defend its citizens against the ongoing Palestinian rocket attacks from Gaza.

Netanyahu's comments were made at a press conference held in the southern city of Ashkelon, in light of the recent rocket barrages hitting Israel's south.

In total, 15 rockets were fired by Palestinian militants into Israel on Monday, adding to a total of more than 110 rockets fired at the Israeli communities within the last 72 hours.

No injuries were reported; however, a shop in the city of Netivot and a factory were damaged due to the rockets, and another rocket damaged a house yard in the town.

"When the alarm goes off, people in southern Israel, about one million people, have 15 seconds to find a shelter," Netanyahu told the foreign delegates.

"I don't know if any of your governments would accept this reality. I cannot accept this reality. Israel has every right and duty to defend its citizens and we will act to stop the rockets fire," Netanyahu said.

Monday's attacks came after a brief overnight lull in which the two sides refrained from fighting, which was mediated by Egyptian officials.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) air-raided Gaza nine times during the recent exchange of fire, killing five Palestinians and wounding dozens.

This round of conflicts erupted following a border incident on Saturday, when Palestinian militants fired an anti-tank missile against an IDF jeep patrolling the Gaza border, injuring four soldiers.

In response, the IDF shelled the Gaza Strip, killing four Palestinians and wounding 36.

The EU on Monday urged Israel and the Palestinians to cease fire.

Catherine Ashton, the EU's foreign policy chief, said on Monday that she is "very concerned" about the latest escalation of violence.

"I condemn the firing of rockets and mortars into Israel and call upon both sides to refrain from making the situation worse. Further regrettable loss of life and injury must be avoided," she said.

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