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Egypt's security forces deny firing rockets toward Israel in response to stray shell
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-11-19 22:53

A security source in Egypt's North Sinai denied reports saying that rockets were fired from the governorate towards Israel in response to a stray shell, official MENA news agency reported Monday.

Security forces did not receive any information in this regard, the source said, noting that there is no evidence confirming this actually happened.

An Israeli shell fell into North Sinai by mistake earlier on Monday, local witnesses told Xinhua.

The shell fell into a desert area south of Rafah Crossing, which is adjacent to southern Israel and Gaza Strip, but did not explode or cause any casualties, the witnesses added.

Earlier on Monday, a Palestinian rocket fell into Egypt but caused no casualties, marking the third time that Gaza's rocket has mistakenly hit Egypt's soil since the start of Israel's military operation against the Palestinian enclave, a security source told Xinhua.

In addition, two Palestinian rockets fell in Egypt's territory respectively on Thursday and Friday.

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