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Israeli ministerial forum convenes as diplomatic pressure to reach lull mounts
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-11-20 08:47

A forum of nine senior Israeli ministers convened Monday evening to discuss what is in store for "Operation Pillar of Defense," which ended its sixth day, according to local news outlets.

Other reports indicated that the Israeli government agreed to withhold executing its possible ground operation in the Gaza Strip for 24 hours and give diplomatic efforts a chance for reaching a cease-fire agreement, amid mounting diplomatic pressure from the international community.

Beforehand Monday evening, a report on the Dubai-based Al- Arabiya TV network suggested that a cease-fire agreement would be reached within the next 24 hours. In addition, Egyptian officials reportedly announced that a nearing agreement is in store.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his top ministers will discuss their terms and conditions for a viable cease-fire with the Gaza militant groups.

Amid the growing diplomatic pressure on Israel, the UN chief Ban-Kai Moon arrived in Cairo late Monday to assist the cease-fire efforts led by Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi.

Ban will arrive in Israel on Tuesday after finishing his diplomatic rounds in Egypt and is scheduled to meet with Israeli President Shimon Peres in the evening, and Netanyahu on Wednesday at noon. He will also meet with the Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, in Ramallah.

Ban, along with the EU foreign ministers, urged both parties to follow restraint and strive for a diplomatic solution to the escalating security conflict.

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle arrived in Israel Monday evening and is at press time convening with his Israeli counterpart Avigdor Lieberman.

Prior to the meeting, at a joint press conference in Jerusalem, Westerwelle reiterated Germany's commitment to Israel's right to defend itself yet urged both sides to act with "responsibility and restraint."

Despite the diplomatic blitz, Israeli military officials reiterated that a ground operation is still an option.

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson, Brig.-Gen. Yoav Mordechai, said Monday evening that the army is still ready for a possible ground operation in the Gaza Strip, should the government give the order.

On Friday, the Israeli cabinet approved the draft of 75,000 reservists to join regular service soldiers parked near the border with the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli Air Force continues its air strikes on Gaza, and Mordechai reported that ten militants, mainly from the Jihadi Islam, were killed on Monday. More than 1,350 targets were struck by the IAF overall, including militants, missiles launch pads and smuggling tunnels, as well as missile arsenals.

Meanwhile, the Palestinians reported that 104 have been killed since Wednesday and more than 400 injured. During an air-strike overnight Sunday, a family of 11 was killed by an IAF strike.

According to IDF data, 641 rockets were launched towards Israeli territory, 324 missiles were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missiles batteries.

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