25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to Motherland
未命名_副本.jpg Mainland pop culture gains traction among young Hong Kongers2022-06-21
Since its return to the motherland in 1997, Hong Kong has seen increasing cultural, business as well as people-to-people exchanges with the mainland. A growing number of mainland brands started branches in the city, while many mainland lifestyles and trends are also impacting the lives of Hong Kong citizens.
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Decorations seen in HK ahead of 25th anniversary of returning to motherland
W020220621351620413486.jpg Hong Kong's future very promising: Chief Executive Carrie Lam2022-06-21
Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Carrie Lam said Hong Kong has returned to the right track of "one country, two systems" and its future is very promising.
Rising to challenges, Hong Kong stays as key financial hub with emerging opportunities2022-06-20
Hong Kong secured a third place in the latest Global Financial Centers Index, remaining among the top in areas including business environment, human capital, infrastructure and general reputation.
Official dubs GBA best entry point for Hong Kong's integration into national development2022-06-20
The HKSAR government will continue to leverage the advantages of the "one country, two systems," Hong Kong's competitive business environment and the world-class professional services to actively integrate into the overall development of the country, said Tommy Yuen, commissioner for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
Diversity, opportunity, safety: what attracts foreign residents to Hong Kong2022-06-17
Since its return to the motherland in 1997, Hong Kong has become more inclusive and diverse, with an increasing number of foreign residents and a more favorable environment for them to live and thrive.
未命名_副本.jpg Cultural event held to mark 25th anniversary of HK's return to motherland2022-06-17
Photo taken on June 15, 2022 shows Chinese Kung Fu (Chinese martial arts) performance during an event under the theme of traditional Chinese culture in Hong Kong, south China. The event is held by Hong Kong Island Women's Association on Wednesday as part of celebrations for the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland.
未命名_副本.jpg International forum held in Hong Kong on achievements of "one country, two systems"2022-06-17
An international forum was held here Thursday to discuss achievements and prospects of the practice of the "one country, two systems" principle in China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).
未命名_副本.jpg A top gun's story of Hong Kong's bridges2022-06-17
Lau Ching-kwong, famed as the "top gun of bridges" in Hong Kong, calls the island-rich region a museum of modern bridges. Bridges have witnessed Hong Kong's development as an international shipping and trade center, as well as its new advantages under the national development strategies.
1128743886_16552829044631n.jpg 25 years on, Hong Kong SAR shines brighter with world-beating performance2022-06-16
Hong Kong's 25-year journey since its return is extraordinary. It has fully proved that the implementation of the "one country, two systems" principle is conducive to safeguarding the fundamental interests of the country, of Hong Kong, and of the majority of Hong Kong compatriots.
1128721648_16546456391501n.jpg Hong Kong Palace Museum ready to open2022-06-08
The Hong Kong Palace Museum is set to open to the public on July 2 to mark Hong Kong's 25th anniversary of returning to the motherland, paving the way for the city's lofty goal of bridging Chinese culture with the rest of the world.
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