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Two die in hand grenade attack in Pakistan's Karachi
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-02-08 03:35

A hand grenade attack killed two persons in the Pakistani port city of Karachi on Tuesday night, police said.

Six more people were injured in the attack at Liyari area of the city, police officer Nasir Aftab said.

He said that four people riding two motorcycles threw a hand grenade at women and children who were taking drinking water from a plant.

The motorcyclists fled after the attack.

Local residents said the grenade was threw at people outside the office of People's Aman Committee. The committee is considered pro the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party but was banned last year after the powerful group Mutahida Qaumi Movement blamed it for violence.

The police officer said a search was launched for the attackers.

No group claimed responsibility for the attack as of now.

Local residents staged a demonstration against the attack and demanded the government to apprehend the culprits.

The injured, including women and children, were taken to a local hospital.

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