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Spain to see demonstrations against labor reform on Sunday
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-02-19 15:34

Sunday will see protests all over Spain against the new labor reforms, which were introduced by the Popular Party government of Mariano Rajoy just over a week ago.

The reforms reduce compensation for those losing their jobs from 45 days per year worked to 33 days in normal circumstances. They also allow a company to sack workers with just 20 days compensation per year, if the company believes that its earnings will be reduced in the three coming quarters.

This rule doesn't mean a company has to expect losses for nine months, merely a reduction in profits in order to sack workers.

Meanwhile, the labor reforms also make provision for the mass sacking of public employees, who are especially vulnerable in the current climate of spending cuts and economic crisis.

"Unless we act now, these reforms could take us back to the social and labor conditions that existed in our country many years ago," commented Cayo Lara, the leader of the left-wing United Left (Izquierda Unida) party on the website of the labor union Union General de Trabajadores (UGT), on Friday.

UGT and Comisiones Obreras (CC.OO) are the two main unions organizing the protests, which are taking place in a climate of increasing anger in Spain at the fiscal and labor reforms introduced by Rajoy's government, which was elected to power on November 20th last year.

The main demonstration will start at mid-day in Madrid and follow the traditional route from Plaza de Neptuno through the city center to the emblematic Puerta del Sol.

Meanwhile demonstrations are planned in all of Spain's autonomous communities with a total of almost 60 separate protests planned.

The unions said they have not ruled out a general strike against the reforms, but whether or not they contemplate taking that step will depend on the show of public support they can gather on Sunday.

If people stay at home a general strike is unlikely, but should they turn out in numbers, a general strike is a distinct possibility during the spring.

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