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Hezbollah denies attacks against Israeli targets
Last Updated(Beijing Time):2012-02-17 05:48

The head of Shiite armed group Hezbollah denied Thursday his party's involvement in recent security incidents in India, Georgia and Thailand against Israeli diplomats.

"We, in Hezbollah, played no part in these incidents," Hasan Nasrallah said during a televised speech during a rally to commemorate Hezbollah's slain commanders.

Israel has accused Iran and its ally Hezbollah of standing behind unsuccessful plots targeting Israeli officials in various countries this week. Iran has also dismissed the claims.

Nasrallah also vowed his group would avenge the killing of Imad Mughniyeh, Hezbollah's top military officials who was killed in a mysterious car bomb explosion in Damascus in 2008.

"Our revenge will not be against Israeli soldiers or diplomats. It is an insult for Hezbollah to avenge a great leader by killing regular Israelis," Nasrallah said.

He added that Hezbollah will avenge Mughniyeh's killing in a " honorable manner."

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