Two-thirds of Chinese families "not very happy"
Last Updated: 2013-05-15 20:22 | Xinhua
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Two-thirds of Chinese families are "not very happy" regarding such factors as health, interpersonal relations, social security and social equity, according to a new report.

Published here on Wednesday by the China Population Welfare Foundation (CPWF), the family happiness index was released at a workshop to mark the 20th International Family Day. The event was attended by over 150 government officials, academics, students and journalists.

Face-to-face surveys were conducted among 9,604 families living in 16 cities, involving a total of 22,374 family members, between Aug. and Oct. of 2012, according to the report.

Also on Wednesday, the foundation, in collaboration with Renmin University of China and Tsinghua University, launched an International Family Day China Action to Show Concerns over Family Development and Promote Family Happiness.

The first International Family Day was marked on May 15, 1994, in accordance with a resolution of the United Nations in 1993.

The CPWF, which was founded in Beijing in 1987, works on issues related to population, family planning, and human development, with funds donated by individuals and enterprises at home and abroad.

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